You are two weeks old already! Wow! Keep growing big and strong for mommy.
I know that you are a blessing straight from God because according the wisdom of men you shouldn't exist. I told God two weeks ago that if I conceived this month, it would only be through His power - and here you are. What a great God we serve!
I love you. I'm already talking to you all the time, even though I know you don't really have the ability to hear me yet. I can't wait until you are that old!

Since my temperature was down yesterday morning (to 98.17 from 98.40 the prior days), I was up from 5 am on worrying about the possible implications. Of course, I haven't spotted at all, so I don't think the pregnancy is ending (at least not yet), but it was still worrisome in any case. I was very anxious last night thinking about what my temperature would be this morning. While I was in the shower, I felt like God told me not to temp any more, but just to trust Him. Really, temping can't do anything for me now but to give me more reason to worry or distrust God, so I am listening and did not temp this morning! God, only you can sustain this baby, just as you were the one to breathe the breath of life into him or her. May you continue to take care of our little one, as only you can!
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