But it wasn't. When I had my progesterone tested a few weeks ago (which was fine, thanks for asking), they also ran a few test for some really rare blood clotting disorders that hadn't been tested for yet. I believe the words of my doctor were, you will not have one of these disorders, but just to cover all of our bases, we'll run these tests. He ate those words! I DO have one of those really rare blood clotting disorders, the Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) mutation. But wait - there's more! There are two types of mutations for the MTHFR gene and I have.... BOTH! (I only have one copy of each, though. I might have given him a heart attack otherwise.) This RE has never seen that in a patient before. Goooooooooooooooo me!
Lucky for me, this means that if I ever get pregnant I get to inject myself twice a day with Heparin or once a day with Lovenox (blood thinners) every day of a pregnancy. I also may get to take extra Folic acid for the rest of my life, since folic acid works along with the MTHFR enzyme to break down homocysteine (an amino acid). My RE was not super familiar with this problem, so I'm headed back to... my original doctor! Dr. Atkins, the lovely woman who passed me on to Dr. Blanchard for my septum, who passed me on to Dr. McClamrock for my other problems. I bet she'll be super excited to have me back!
Okay, so to summarize the various ways that I should never be a mother, I not only am going to have trouble getting pregnant (good thing we're starting early!) with any baby, much less a baby that has good genes, but once I get pregnant, my babies are very likely to be miscarried or born too early because of both a septate uterus and a blood clotting disorder.
If infertility were the lottery, I would be a millionaire. Since it isn't the lottery and I am not a millionaire, I can't afford to pay for it. Which means that these doctors are going to have to be very surprised when God takes control and helps me deliver a living baby.
Thank you, Lord, for helping the doctors find these problems, and thank you for the children that I should never have, but will have because you care about me and my husband and our desires! I can't wait to see them and tell them their story...