Doctor's appointment today to check my hopefully dead cyst. That's at 11 am EST, and I'll update afterwards.
My husband's leaving me today! He's going to Baltimore to finish some processing for his job and will be back on Friday. I'm going to miss him something fierce!
Jamie reminded me that I didn't update yet! The appointment lasted all of 10 minutes (it was just a brief internal exam), and I was told that my uterus tilts slightly to the left and my left ovary is somewhat larger than the right. They don't do ultrasounds at my Ob/Gyn so I have an appointment set up for next Thursday at 9 am.
Thanks for the update! I'll be praying for your next appointment.
P.S. We're just a train ride away if you want to hang with us while Jonny's in MD (or any other time, for that matter). Our door's always open for you :)
Thanks so much for "joining" my blog! I was surprised when I opened up my dashboard and saw I had a follower :) Isn't it amazing how much work it actually takes to conceive a child yet a high school girl can have unprotected sex 1 time and get pregnant?
Keep checking for the "EWCM" when we stopped "DTD" every other night and I started watching for the "EWCM" instead is when it happened for us. TMI maybe but it sometimes helps to share what works :)
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