Tomorrow at 4:15 pm is our 9 week ultrasound, after which point my nerves will be considerably relaxed. I'm actually looking forward to tomorrow, since this lovely morning sickness is leaving me much more reassured than at my past ultrasounds.
Also, if the appointment goes well tomorrow, I'm going to look into renting or buying a doppler. I found a new one on Ebay for $95, although I'm a little nervous to buy one without a prescription...
Stay tuned for a belly picture. Sorry about missing last week!
I will be praying for you and your little Thumper tomorrow! I am having those same anxious feelings about my US next week. I know that everything is probably fine, but it is still scary til you see that precious little one on the screen. I am 16 1/2 weeks. Please say a prayer for me as well! :)
I am so glad that you are doing better and now I have something to look forward to. Week 9 is when the nausea will back off huh? Sounds good. I can do two more weeks of this I think. You should post your US pic when you can. I know there is allot more to see on week 9.
Yay for little inch-Thumper :D I've noticed that female babies are way more prevalent than males these days (wonder why?). Hope you had fun in Cape Cod :D
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