After a fetal heartbeat is detected, your chances of miscarriage drop to around 5%. That on top of the fact that I had just had a baby with seeming random chromosomal problems made me feel safe (what are the odds of two in a row?)... But that was just stupid. Of course I'm going to come out on the bottom.
Can you tell I haven't left the anger stage yet?
Scared question of the day: if Max wasn't a SAB (spontaneous abortion), does that disqualify me from possible treatments? On one site talking about recurrent pregnancy loss, they said that you should see a doctor for testing after two SAB. I've only had one of those...
Abbie- my heart is breaking for you right now. I wish there was something I could say to make you feel even a tiny bit better, but I know there's not sweet girl... We had to wait until after the 3 mc to see anybody. I don't get why you aren't classified as RPL until then, but what are you going to do? I hope you find out that you can speed up the process. And having your baby tested was the best thing you could have done for any future babies. Just think of it that way...
Take your time to be sad. It's a huge loss and it sucks big time. Don't rush it. Cry, get angry, you deserve to. And then pick yourself up and try again, because God has a plan for you hon...
If you need anything or just want to talk, email me at perfectlyimperfectlife(@)gmail(dot)com.
I'll be thinking of you...
The clinical term for miscarriage is 'spontaneous abortion'. It doesn't matter that Max was a missed abortion, it still counts as a miscarriage and any doctor willing to treat 2 recurrent miscarriages will consider your losses as miscarriages.
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