I was sick as a dog when I woke up this morning, so no breakfast yet for me. Maybe my stomach will calm down enough to eat a banana soon...
I was a bit discouraged this morning that the baby seemed to be measuring a week behind, but guess what? I found a site online about Misdiagnosed Miscarriages that talks about how women with tilted uteruses often are told they are measuring a week or so behind during their first trimester, but at their 20 week ultrasound are caught up to where they should be... So I'm going to trust that I'm really 7w, 2d (because I know when I ovulated!) and we'll see later if the baby catches up...
YAYAYAYAYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EAT A BANANA.
Praise the Lord!!!
I'm so happy for you! PTL! :)
Yea! :D
Great news! So is the sickness. I remember reading that morning sickness is usually a good sign that the pregnancy is progressing normally.
That is awesome. Praise God.
Woohoo! God is good!
Hooray!!!!!! This MADE MY DAY!! :) :) :)
I have been reading your blog and am so happy for you! I am 7 weeks pregnant with twins and it was up and down with bleeding and cramping for a couple of weeks! I was so scared. I know what you are going through. I started a blog also at jessicaandjosh-ourbaby.blogspot.com/. Please check it out! I hope that everything keeps going great. I am due December 10th, 3 days after you so I will be thinking about you!
I am so happy for you! Also, you have a smart outlook about the date catching up because when I went in for my first ultrasound this time, I was sure that I was farther along than I was, and each time that I go for an ultrasound I have gained at least 2 days each time! So... you are very right! We will continue praying for you!
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