Got more blood drawn today for another quant hCG. When I got to the lab, there was no one ahead of me (score!) but my order wasn't in the computer. I told the receptionist what test I was there to take and who was the doctor that ordered it, upon which she began to look through a huge chart of phone numbers to find the office number. I told her "x3-1315" and she kept looking but discovered that I was right about 10 seconds later. I love being right.
Once she called the number she spoke to a receptionist at the Ob/Gyn office who had to find out from Nicole (my nurse) what the test was that I needed. The guy who was there to draw my blood came out and the receptionist at the lab told him, "She thinks she needs a quant hCG, but they're double checking with the nurse right now. You can just take her in and I'll bring you the labels in a second." (She learned the first time that I know what I'm talking about.) He, however, mumbled back to her, "You know patients never really know what they need. I don't want to bring her back there to just have to take more blood later," and then laughed at my probable mistake!
You know, I actually love being made fun of to my face. Too bad I was right.
Update @ 5:19 pm:
They didn't call me with a number today, so I guess we'll just have to wait and see what it was until tomorrow (or maybe Friday).
reminds me of yesterday. I need a refill on my protonix because I'm out of refills at the pharmacy and my appointment's next week. So, I call the office to have the dr call in more refills. The very rude receptionist tells me to just call the pharmacy. Umm.. I don't have any more refills lady. She argues with me before finally taking a message to give the nurse. Did the nurse ever call back? Of course not. Such a pain.
Ha! Before I started reading your post...I could not for the life of me figure out what you picture was! Somehow I had convinced myself that you were pulling up your shirt to show a picture of your back...and I couldn't understand WHY they would have drawn blood from your shoulder blade!
Good grief. I guess I'm not totally with it today...but I thought you'd enjoy the laugh!!
Sounds/looks fun ;)
I do so hate it when people assume stupidity or incompetence on my part; it's quite disrespectful. I can understand the assumption of distrust of the patient (just as we in the Registration Office have an "assumption of distrust" of the student, i.e., we can't put grades on transcripts when we receive them from students). What I cannot understand is an attitude of condescension when serving your constituents. Shame on them!
Wow people can be rediculous. I hope your bean is growing big and strong!
I am so happy for you! I had the brown spotting/bleeding with both my girls and I actually had what I thought was a period with my youngets but I was actually pregnant...I even had some mild cramping with it. It lasted for 3 days, stopped, then started again for two more days and quit. 4 weeks later I happened to take a pregnancy test and was pregnant. When I went to the doctor thinking I was only maybe 5 weeks along, I was 8 weeks! The spotting/bleeding will freak you out (more so after a previous miscarriage) and I was worried during both of the pregnancies that something could go wrong, but it didn't. Best of luck and I can't wait to see ultrasound pics on the blog next week :)
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