Our babies are both growing perfectly and are both measuring a couple days ahead of schedule now. One of the babies was perfectly facing the ultrasound probe and the other was a bit reluctant to have his/her photo taken, but we got great shots of both.

It was so sweet to see them wiggling around and to hear some very strong heartbeats. Thank you for your prayers! How good is God for giving us these sweet babies?
I don't know how I found your blog, but I found it right around the time you found out you were expecting Max.. I have been praying for you ever since! I will continue to lift you up and cover these sweet babies with prayer!!
Oh Abbie I am so happy for you! I have been praying for you and of course will continue to pray for a healthy pregnancy and two happy healthy little babies!!!!! God planned this all along. These two babies also have a big brother and big sister up in heaven praying for and watching over them. Take it easy girl and enjoy every moment :)
I'm crying as I read this!! I could not be more happy for you!!!!!! So thankful Abbie!!! Congrats doesn't even begin to cover it. I'm praying for a healthy and happy pregnancy!! Yay for midwives too!!! I added you to the prayer list at our church, and we'll keep lifting you up!!!
Congratulations Abbie!!! So happy for you and your little ones- such an exciting time:) Will keep praying things go smoothly- that God will protect these little ones as they grow!
Awww...I bet tears of joy were just rolling down your beautiful face! They are so precious and we are so excited :)! Prayers are continuing to come your way, dear one!
Love you!!
Ok so the words that came out of my mouth when I read "9w, 3d" was "OH ABBIE!" PRAISE GOD! Oh my goodness girl if I could give you a hug right now I would :) You know I have been thinking about you and I hadn't seen anything from you on FB so I was worried there for a lil while....
TWINS... Girl I could scream right now but I hardly have a voice cause of a cold so I will scream really low k :)
Will be praying for these two lil blessings in your womb...
And always Hebrews 11:1 will be prayed for you all the time :)
God is good all the time!!!
Ok sorry I am really excited :)
IN Christ, Melanie
I am extremely happy for you and wish you and your babies a very long and happy life together. Congratulations!!!
God truly is amazing! May He continue to bless you!
So sweet! We have an u/s pic from about the same time with the twins. I think it's one of the only ones with both of them in the same picture. You'll be amazed at how quickly they grow. We had an ultrasound at every appointment to do a quick growth check and to check heartbeats too. Then every 8 weeks in the beginning we did level 2 ultrasounds.
I'm so excited for you. Twins are tough, but you can do it! I hope you're taking weekly belly pics. It's shocking to see how much you grow and when you really pop.
BABIES!!! Just found out a few minutes ago! I have been lame. Prayers and best wishes for your babies. Love you!
Oh my and Praise the Good Lord, Abbie!! I had no idea (didn't see this on FB) but just now got a second to check on those I love in BloggyLand and saw this update! I'm super excited and prayerful for you and your twins! This news just made my day :)
Love, hugs and prayers,
i hope all is still going well, it has been awhile since your last post. praying for you and the babies..
Abbie, I don't know HOW I am so far behind in the amazing news, but I am jumping up and down for joy right now!! Praise the Lord!! I will continue to pray for you and those precious bundles, and pray that they both continue to grow well and stay strong! :-D
Can't wait to find out if they are boys/girls!! What an amazing blessing!! Take care!
Love and hugs, Bethany
I have been following your journey for over a year and was thinking that I just had to check on what has been happening recently... and so thrilled to see that you are expecting!! I pray that you will have a wonderful pregnancy and sooo much joy when you hold those little ones in your arms!! Praise God!
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