Jonathan and I are expecting (fraternal) twins on April 4, 2011 (really, we're expecting them before then, but that would be my 40 week mark).
I am 7 weeks, 2 days today and sick as all get out. But as I throw up each and every day, what a joy to know that my babies are growing!
We had an ultrasound one week ago and saw two little fluttering heartbeats. One of the babies was measuring smaller than its dates, but he/she is surrounded with prayer and we are hopeful that he/she will keep growing appropriate to his/her own body! The other baby was measuring perfectly on time.
Five more days until our next ultrasound and our release from our RE's office!
Thank you for your prayers. I know that you have been faithful to pray for us because this is amazing beyond our wildest dreams.
YAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is SO awesome!! :D :D :D :D I am THRILLED for you! and a double blessing at that! :) I'll be praying... :)
I have been waiting for this post from you! I will praying and praying and praying that these little babies are stickies!! Congratulations!
HOORAAAAY! Why isn't there an AWESOME button at the bottom?!?! O well, I clicked "cool" since that was the closest one! I get to see you in 18 days!!!! O, and my family is praying for you too!! :-)
Soooo happy for you!!!! I have been following your blog for quite some time! What a blessing from God! Will be praying for you daily that your little babies keep growing and you will have a lifetime to love on them! Much love... C
lsjkhpeirlsjtn Abbie this is awesome! I'm so happy for you! I'll keep praying for you and the two little lima beans :D
Been waiting for an update. Congratulations!
I am been following your blog for a long time, and have been praying for you! I am so happy for you and your husband. I will continue to pray for a healthy, easy, perfect, pregnancy and delivery for you!!
And BTW- I am a fraternal twin ( I have a twin brother) and that relationship has been one of the biggest blessings of my life. So excited for you and your babies!!
Of course, overflowing with joy and prayer ever since I saw Kiley's and Dawn's posts... Love you a ton, Abbie, and I'll always be thankful to have met you. AND I still hope you come visit us as soon as possible. (I'll make sure we have room for four!)
That is such wonderful news!! I am soo very happy for you and I'll be praying for those 2 little blessings to grow healthy and strong :)
I knew it! Congratulations Abbie!!! That is truly amazing news. I've been following your blog for some time and prayed for you even though we don't know each other!
All the best and I'll keep praying for you are your babies!
Jillian from Vancouver, BC, Canada
Such absolutely wonderful news!! I'll be praying for both babies, and for you as well! Take care and God Bless you and your miracles!
Doubly awesome news!!!!!!!
Oh, and the captcha I have to type in for word verification is "bapti"...maybe a hint at the baptism that will happen some time next year!?!
I'm so excited for you, and praying for you!
YAY! Such wonderful news, I can't stop smiling! Praying like crazy, and I can't wait to hear how both your little miracles grow and bless you.
Oh Abbie I am so, so happy for you two!!!! How exciting!!! I'll be praying for you and your two little ones!!
Did you end up using IVF with these little ones?
YES! Can't wait to hear more updates. We'll continue to pray for both of you. Let me know when I should start knitting :)
I'm crying as I type this. I've been praying for you for a few weeks... I had a feeling you were pregnant! I am SO THANKFUL you are here Abbie! And I'm praying for your precious babies as I type this.
Please God, surround this family with your love and your grace and take care of all of them!!!!!
I don't know if you remember me, but we were on BBC together when you got pregnant with Max. I have been following your journey ever since. Huge congratulations on your TWO growing babies. May you have the easiest possible pregnancy that a mom of twins can have.
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