I'm in a great mood today, probably because I got a check in the mail to pay off a loan - that's always a great feeling! Plus, our awesome small group from Boston is headed down here on Friday - it is going to be so great to see them! In fact, our August is full of fun people coming to visit - Brian and Amy, Angelin, Jon and Kate (not the "Plus 8" ones)... I am really glad that it is August - and I think my new blog look shows it!
Did I mention that I applied for the substitute teaching position? I haven't heard anything yet, but I'm not sure that MIT has sent them my transcript yet, even though I'm pretty sure it's been four weeks since I asked them to and they cashed my check two weeks ago! Oh, MIT... How hard can it be to send a transcript?
P.S. I read in Good Housekeeping last month about this guy who is trying to help people stop complaining, and has them switch a bracelet from arm to arm every time they do so. The woman who wrote the article started out with about 100 switches in the first day... I think I would have more than that (although maybe not, since I only get to speak out loud for about 5 hours each day). Her conclusion was that complaining is too ingrained in her way of life, and that it helps her bond with the people she loves. I think I just found my new best friend.
Um... it's not just MIT. Where we've been fighting to get Carl enrolled, we've had to request his transcript like 5,000 times... and it takes FOREVER each time. I feel ya.
Love the new look, hehe!
Speaking as one who used to send transcripts as her part of her job (and has happily handed that task over to her coworker after being promoted!), it's not "that" hard to produce a transcript (at least, it wasn't in my office) :). It is a multi-step process, and it does make sense to process transcript requests in batches, as we have to get approval from financial services for each student (since we won't send transcripts for students who haven't pay their bill in full). Our office gets transcript out in 5 to 10 business days (for free) or in 1 to 2 business days (for $5 per transcript).
Granted, MIT is MUCH bigger than this school, so I am not surprised that it takes longer for them to send your transcript than it might for us. :) Here's hoping yours comes soon!
Can't wait to see you next week!
I have such a problem with complaining. I have even noticed it lately. I think I should try that bracelet thing. Glad you are doing well today.
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