This is my husband, Jonathan.
Sometimes I get very mad at him. The sad part is that I can never stay mad at him for more than two seconds because when he realizes that I am mad at him, he tells me that I can't be mad at him any more, because he is perfect, and being mad at him is a sin. Then I laugh. And usually hit him with whatever is in my hand. (Yes, I am from a family who hits. But not hard.)
He makes me laugh every single day. This is, I think, an essential quality to have in a mate. If he didn't make me laugh, then I would probably cry a whole lot more, and I do not need to cry more than I already do. (Believe me.)
He always makes me happy. He smells really good and goes shopping with me with no complaints whatsoever. When I ask him what he wants for dinner, he asks me what I want for dinner, and then thoroughly acts excited about anything I say. He cuddles with me and puts up with being almost crowded out of bed every morning.
He really is perfect (for me). Thank you, God, for my Jonny.
Aww you are cute!
I'm glad that you have someone so wonderful, especially during the hard time you're going through - that kind of support and love is priceless, believe me.
Awww thats our song too... You are my sunshine my only sunshine!!!
I can't be mad for too long either at hubby!! And girl its so true that if he can make you laugh EVERY day then its all good...
Love this post!!!
Go hubbies...........
I think laughter is so essential in a marriage. My husband and I can't even fight. Someone always says something to make the other one laugh.
What a precious post! Thanks for following my blog.
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